4 Ways a Pandemic Changes Your Marketing

4 Ways a Pandemic Changes Your Marketing

With social distancing, restricted travel, work from home, and many businesses shuttered, the world changed in 2020. Returning to “normal” will never be returning to the way we did everything in 2019.

Companies need to consider the following and revisit marketing.

  1. Competitor Changes

    Some businesses will not reopen, others experienced growth, and many overhauled their services. Re-evaluate who your competitors are and what advantages you have. Then revisit your messaging, channels and any budgets where you bid against competitors.

  2. Customer Interaction

    A handshake in a meeting or a friendly smile at a checkout counter were key to customer relationships and are gone behind masks. The importance of building a relationship through a personalized follow up email, and in some cases a text, is greater than ever.

  3. Financial

    Your cost of acquiring a customer, keeping a customer, and lifetime value may have changed. Marketing budgets need adjustments.

  4. Online Consumer Confidence

    More and more consumers increased their comfort level shopping online during the pandemic. Run more triggered campaigns to respond to their online actions.