Email Performance Benchmarks By Industry

How is your email program performing? When you look at your open, click and conversion rates do you know if you should be happy with the results?

The best evaluation of your email program is always to look at how your own metrics are trending over time. Your list and your program is unique. Know your goals and monitor your metrics to know if your list engaging is trending upward, down or holding steady.

You can also check industry rates to see how your overall performance compares. Here are email benchmark reports for 2020 from different email service providers, using 2019 list data.

Below the reports, you’ll find some best practices for keeping your email performance rates strong.

Mailchimp – Email Industry Benchmarks as of October 2019:


Campaign Monitor - using 2019 Year data:


Constant Contact, as of December 2019:


Email performance benchmarks for campaigns across 13 different industries, from Klaviyo, using 2019 data:


Use best practices to create good engagement

Deliver relevant content to your list. Notice what contacts are responding to and tailor your message to deliver more of what your audience wants and less of what they don’t.

Practice good list hygiene. Clean your list. Re-engage inactive users. Use segmentation to deliver relevant messaging to specific audiences. These practices help keep your engagement rates up.

Understand the data shown on your reporting

There is no one-size-fits -all number to aim for. To best understand your data, look at each message with a knowledge of of what portion of your list received the message and whether it was a general message, or a triggered message in response to the contact’s actions. More focused audiences or responses to actions should have higher metrics than broadcasts to larger audiences.