Determine your Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals Now

Determine your Black Friday and Cyber Monday Deals Now

Many companies start thinking about their big online offers for Thanksgiving week in late October, or even into November. Here’s why you want to be planning those special holiday deals in August and early September.

  1. Inventory – If you are featuring a special product, make sure to forecast and plan to have plenty of inventory in stock.
  2. Testing – If you’re hoping to sell a special product or offer and think it’s a hot deal, but you’re not sure…you need time to test.  Release a preview of the deal to a select group of customers. Send some of your best customers a sneak peek sale and see how they respond. You will also reward reward them as great customers and make them feel special. See how your test performs before you fill your warehouse shelves with product.
  3. Making sure it is a special offer- When stores don't plan their holiday offering ahead of time, they sometimes find all the hot products and deals have already been featured in the Fall. If you run the same offer to your lists in the weeks leading up to Cyber Monday and Black Friday (aside from sending a small segment a sneak preview), then it’s not such a great deal and the results won’t be as strong. Your holiday special should be something your list has not seen offered recently.